chief of the turkish general staff artinya
- chief: ketua bagi suku kaum; pemimpin; yang utama;
- turkish: turki; bahasa turki; orang turki; ????
- general: pada amnya; umum; jenderal; kepala; jendral;
- general staff: staf umum
- staff: kakitangan (jabatan); mengorganisir; menyediakan
- chief of the general staff (israel): kepala staf umum (israel)
- chief of the general staff (russia): ketua turus am (rusia)
- general staff of the turkish armed forces: turus am republik turki
- chief of the general staff (united kingdom): kepala staf umum (britania raya); ketua turus am (united kingdom)
- chief of staff: chief of staff (tv series); kepala staf; ketua turus
- chief of staff, joint staff: ketua turus, staf bersama
- chief of staff (tv series): chief of staff
- chief of staff of the french army: kepala staf militer prancis; ketua turus tentera darat perancis
- chief of staff of the french navy: ketua turus tentera laut perancis
- chief of staff of the indonesian army: kepala staf tni angkatan darat; kepala staf tentara nasional indonesia angkatan darat
Kata lain
- "chief of the general staff (russia)" terjemahan Indonesia
- "chief of the general staff (united kingdom)" terjemahan Indonesia
- "chief of the indonesian national police" terjemahan Indonesia